Pampering Facial Treatments
Essential Oil Treatment (45min, 80 Euro)
This light facial massage offers the skin all important nutrients to maintain its natural vitality and balance. The essential oils are completely massaged into the skin eliminating signs of stress and impurities. This treatment is suitable for all skin types.
Benefits Of Rice Treatment (45min, 80 Euro)
This treatment revitalises the skin with the virtues of rice. Three types of rice (purple rice from Thailand, black rice from China and brown rice) have excellent anti-oxidating effects, which are perfect for beautiful skin.
Wild Berry Treatment (45min, 80 Euro)
Wild fruits are especially indicated for young and sensitive skin. The sweetness of the berries relieves, softens and protects the skin, offering elasticity and freshness.
Argan Oil Treatment (45min, 80 Euro)
Argan oil is also called ‘desert gold’ as it is a natural oil extracted from the Argan tree. This ritual helps to moisture and nourishes the skin giving back its natural elasticity.